existence n. 1.存在,实在,继续存在。 2.生存,生活,生活方式。 3.实体,存在物,生物。 a precarious [hollow] existence 朝不保夕的[空虚的]生活。 a struggle for existence生存竞争。 be taxed out of existence 因税重而绝迹。 bring [call] into existence使发生,使产生,使成立。 come into existence产生;成立。 in existence现存的;存在的(the most miserable being in existence世上最不幸的人。 the only copy to be known in existence海内孤本)。 put out of existence绝灭,使绝遗迹。
You are the most selfish, heartless creature in existence . 你是世界是最自私、最没良心的家伙。
I was certain i'd find you here if you were still in existence . 我一直确信无疑,只要你还在世,我准会找到你。
I certainly don't propose to unscramble plans that are already in existence . 我决不会去改变那些早已存在并且是合理的计划。
Limited computer networks have been in existence in various parts of the country for more than a decade . 专用的计算机网络在这个国家的各个部门已存在有十多年了。
Tribunals for the trial of criminals and laws prescribing their punishment, came late in existence in gentile society . 审问罪犯的法庭和规定刑罚的法律,在氏族社会中出现很晚。
The total number of minerals in existence is limited to about 2000 by the stability of chemicals in the earth's environment . 已有矿物总数由于地球环境内化学物质的稳定性而限制在2000种左右。
He will contrive to argue every fault into a merit, and will frankly convict himself of being the honestest fellow in existence . 他要费尽口舌把每一个缺点说成优点,公然自以为是世上最诚实的人。
View the surpass feature of man in existence from tourism 从旅游看人的生存超越性
The elephant is the largest land animal in existence 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。
This is the oldest chinese manuscript in existence 这是现存最早的汉语手稿。